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Widespread Violence against Doctors Prompts Joint Action by Health and Public Secutiry Ministries

In recent years, conflicts between patients and doctors have been escalating. When patients are the victims of medical accidents, their families often resort to violence against the medical staff. They have been known to insult, threaten, attack, and even kill the doctors. On May 1, 2012, the Chinese Health Ministry and the Public Security Ministry issued a joint order to strike hard on violence against doctors. Thus public security departments are now required to get involved in maintaining order in normal medical practices.

Sources: People’s Daily, May 2, 2012

China Demands U.S. Apologize over Chen Guangcheng

On May 2, 2012, Xinhua issued a brief report saying that Chen Guangcheng “entered the U.S. Embassy in China in late April. He left the U.S. Embassy of his own volition after staying there for 6 days.” No other information was mentioned regarding how Chen’s escaped last week from his village home in Linyi in Shandong Province. Chen had been under house arrest since his release from prison in September 2010, after serving his full sentence of four years and three months. The authorities said he "damaged property and organized a mob to disturb traffic." Since 2005 Chen has been receiving increased international attention because of what he actually did. Chen organized a class-action lawsuit against Chinese authorities in Shandong for excessive enforcement of China’s one-child policy (including forced abortions and sterilizations).

In a separate report on May 2, 2012, Xinhua quoted Liu Weimin, China’s foreign affairs spokesperson, who told the U.S. that China demanded an apology. “I would like to emphasize that the U.S. Embassy in China has the obligation to comply with international law and Chinese law and cannot engage in activities inconsistent with its function. China absolutely will not accept this U.S. interference in China’s internal affairs, and demands that the U.S. apologize over this, conduct a thorough investigation of the incident, discipline the personnel involved, and ensure that no similar events will ever occur again.” According to Xinhua, Liu further stated, “What the U.S. should do now is to stop continuing to confuse and to try in every way to quibble and to cover up its own responsibility in this matter. Moreover, it should not continue to interfere in China’s domestic affairs. It should, instead, responsibly and seriously learn from this incident, truly reflect on its policies and approaches, and adopt measures to safeguard the Sino-U.S. relationship.“

On the same day, U.S. Secretary State Clinton issued a statement saying that she was pleased that the U.S. “was able to facilitate Chen Guangcheng’s stay and departure from the U.S. Embassy in a way that reflected his choices and our values.” Her statement further stated that “the United States government and the American people are committed to remaining engaged with Mr. Chen and his family in the days, weeks, and years ahead.”

Xinhua, May 2, 2012
Xinhua, May 2, 2012
U.S. Department of State, May 2, 2012

China to Plans to Launch 30 Satellites by 2020 as Part of BeiDou Navigation System

At 4:50 a.m. Beijing time, on April 30, 2012, China launched two BeiDou Navigation satellites from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center using the “Long March IIIB” carrier rocket. This is the first time that China has launched two Satellites using one rocket. These two satellites are the 12th and 13th satellites since the BeiDou Navigation System launched its service on December 27, 2011.

China will launch three more satellites this year and plans to have 30 satellites in orbit by 2020 so that it will provide global coverage of high resolution and reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services.

This was the 160th flight for the Long March series of carrier rockets.

Source: China News Review, May 1, 2012

People’s Daily Commentary: US Needs to Avoid Sending Wrong Messages to Certain Other Countries

Days before the 4th China US Strategic and Economic Dialog that was to be held on May 3 and 4 in Beijing, People’s Daily oversea’s edition published a commentary warning the U.S. not to send the wrong messages to certain other countries regarding the South China Sea dispute.

The article said that the timing of the dialog was important because it was coming before the upcoming presidential election and the Chinese Communist Party’s 18th National Congress. "China has been openly raising its concerns and making requests in certain areas: that the U.S. should stop its surveillance near China’s coasts; eliminate limitations on high tech exports to China; recognize China’s market economy; and provide a fair trade investment environment for China’s direct investments in the U.S." The article stated, "The U.S. has recently increased its involvement in the Asia Pacific region significantly. For example, the U.S. has been involved in military collaboration with the Philippians, Vietnam, and Australia; established a new military base; conducted military exercises that are growing in scale; has been selling weapons; and even plans to build a missile defense system."

The article said that the U.S. should put an end to its proclivity to challenge China in the South China Sea dispute, let the strategic and economic dialog minimize distrust between the two, and embrace the idea of “cooperation so both sides can benefit.”

Source: People’s Daily, May 2, 2012

Tsinghua University Holds Training Programs for US Officials

People’s Daily carried an article covering how Tsinghua University conducts training programs for U.S. officials. According to Sun Zhe, director of the Center for China-US Relations under Tsinghua University, the training programs are part of the “World Leadership Training,” an advanced training program sponsored by the Federal Executive Institute based in Virginia. The participants are mainly senior administrative officials from U.S. government departments including the State Department, Department of Defense, and Homeland Security. “If we can continue (to hold this type of program), it can have a fundamental influence on the China U.S. relationship,” Sun told People’s Daily.

The program consists of courses that cover China’s Strategy and Political System, the 18th National Congress, the International Political Climate, the China U.S. Relationship, China’s Military Modernization, its Military and Defense Policy, Foreign Policy, Economic and Trade Policy, and its Energy and Policy Making Process. “These administrative officials are the foundation of the U.S. government. They often make various types of recommendations to top U.S. decision makers. We allow them to learn about China and about what is on our mind so that we can minimize misunderstandings between us. … We can be friends with them and we can thus have some influence on them,” Sun said.

The last time that Tsinghua held this type of training program was in April 2010.

Source: People’s Daily, April 28, 2012

Local Governments Face High Pressure as Debts Mature

SecuTimes recently reported on the issue of local governments facing pressure due to debts that will mature at a peak time in 2012. According to the National Audit Office, it is estimated that local government debts amounting to RMB 3 trillion (US$477 billion) are expected to mature this year. With the adjusted interest rate, 2012 is the year in which local governments face the highest risk of defaulting on their debts. By the end of 2010, total local debts reached RMB 9.67 trillion (US$1.54 trillion). In fact, local governments never planned to pay off their debts with budgeted fiscal funds. Instead, nearly all expected payments were based on anticipated land sale income that was not included in the official budget. However, the cooling housing market has caused a significant decline in land sales. It is estimated that the funding gap for these debts is about RMB 500 to 1000 billion. In the meantime, local governments are required to fund housing construction plans for low income families. This will further increase the likelihood of a debt crisis.

Source: SecuTimes, April 28, 2012

East Day: China May Have Built a Carrier Electromagnetic Catapult System

East Day, the large news site based in Shanghai, recently republished a Russian report on the successful completion of building the Electromagnetic Catapult System for Chinese aircraft carriers. The Chief Designer, Ma Weiming, received honorable recognition from the Central Military Commission. Ma got his Doctor’s degree at Tsinghua University in 1996 and was elected a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2001. According to the report, the Carrier Electromagnetic Catapult System is more than 100 meters in length and has a sophisticated power supply and command system. Its key component is an energy storage system that can accumulate enough energy in 45 seconds. Each Catapult System may consume 4 MW of power. An aircraft carrier with 4 Catapult Systems may need 60 MW to power all systems. This suggests that China’s future aircraft carriers may have to employ nuclear power.

Source: East Day, April 28, 2012

Ministry of Commerce: First Quarter Foreign Trade Slowed Down

China Economy recently reported that the Ministry of Commerce released a first quarter foreign trade review showing the market’s movement in six key areas: (1) The import and export growth rates significantly slowed down, which was a continuation of the direction established in the last quarter of 2011. (2) Chinese exports to Europe suffered a decline, while trade with emerging markets showed rapid growth. (3) Labor-intensive products (such as shoes) recorded very slow growth, while mechanical and electrical products exhibited healthy growth. (4) Coastal provinces reported much slower growth than the Middle West provinces. (5) Private companies were responsible for more than half of the growth in foreign trade. (6) Import growth significantly slowed. Some commodities were produced in much larger quantities, with lower prices.

Source: China Economy, April 27, 2012