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Chinese Scholar: The U.S. Position on Dealing with North Korea

Zhang Liangui, a professor at the Institute of Strategy Studies, Central Party School and an expert on Korea Peninsula issues, talked about the possible U.S. approaches to dealing with North Korea.

“Trump might talk to North Korea first to find out if it plans to give up nuclear weapons. If it says it ‘absolutely will not give them up,’ Trump will cut the talk and go down the showdown track. If it says ‘I will give them up,’ Trump might give it a timetable. For example, ask it to abolish nuclear weapons in two years and specify the goal for the first month, second month, third month, etc. … If North Korea misses a milestone, the U.S. can take the showdown path. In other words, the U.S. would want North Korea to comprehensively, verifiably, and irreversibly abolish nuclear weapons.”

Source: Weinxin, February 15, 2017