Major Taiwanese newspaper Liberty Times recently reported that Taiwan Premier Lin Chuan met with Dr. Edwin Feulner on March 2. Feulner is the founder of the Heritage Foundation – an American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. Lin said in the meeting that Taiwan suffers from a lot of limitations in trade with other nations due to the the Mainland government’s blockage. He said that it would be very helpful if a free trade agreement could be reached between Taiwan and the U.S., as well as between Taiwan and Japan. Lin considered having a free trade agreement with the U.S. as one of his top priorities. Feulner mentioned his concerns about the efficiency of the Taiwanese government. Lin explained that his government is working very hard to improve Taiwan’s investment environment and had obtained positive reviews from the American Chamber of Commerce. The Taiwanese government will actively work with foreign investors on resolving their issues.
Source: Liberty Times, March 2, 2017