Radio Free Asia reported on news that Russia’s “63 news network” published on June 26. According to Russian Samara Customs, since the beginning of 2017, 4.5 kilograms of drugs and strong psychotropic drugs had been seized in the Samaritan area. Of the synthetic drugs that had been seized, more than 90 percent came from China.
The Russian media report also revealed that many of the drugs from China had been sent through the mail and through other hidden means in order to avoid a customs inspection. Alexander Maximovich, head of the anti-drug department of Samara Customs, said that the Chinese hid narcotics in vegetable oil or in a variety of buns and dumplings, in semi-finished packages, and in packs of different kinds of soup materials, all of which were sent through the mail.”
Source: RFA, June 26, 2017