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Guo Wengui: Jiang Zemin’s Dark Silent Force in the U.S. Conquered the Hudson Institute

Guo Wengui, a former Chinese business tycoon who is now actively exposing Communist Party officials’ corruption, had planned to give a speech at the Hudson Institute on October 4. However, the think tank notified him one day before the speech that the event had been cancelled.

Hudson Institute spokesperson David Tell said that the institute received emails from China, protesting the event. Bill Gertz from The Washington Free Beacon, who was supposed to host Guo’s speech, said that the Chinese Embassy pressured his newspaper multiple times and even threatened to deny its scholar the right to visit China.

The Hudson Institute also received a cyber attachment from Shanghai.

Guo Wengui commented that people related to Jiang Zemin {Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China from 1989 to 204} might have maneuvered the cancellation.

Guo disclosed earlier that, from 2004 to 2008, Jiang Zemin’s son Jiang Mianheng (江绵恒) had three kidney transplants which involved killing five people. His surgeon was found to have “jumped out of his building.” The surgeon’s family members fled to Malaysia and China’s State Security officers persuaded them to return to China. They flew there in Malaysia’s airplane #370 on March 8, 2014. That plane went missing forever.

“An American said (to me) that Jiang Mianheng (江绵恒) was very unhappy with my exposing his organ transplants. (He) said that was a main reason that the Hudson Institute speech was cancelled. (He) said that (I) cannot prove (Jiang Mianheng’s transplants) nor can I prove that the surgeon’s family members died on Malaysia’s airplane #370.”

“I have never commented on (Jiang Mianheng’s) organ transplants. I only talked about the fact. Jiang Mianheng had three kidney transplants. Five people died! Who were these five people? Why did they have to die after their kidneys were removed?”

“Jiang Mianheng used Jiang Zemin’s dark silent force in the U.S. to conquer the Hudson Institute!”


1. Radio Free Asia, October 4, 2017
2. (Guo Wengui’s website), October 4, 2017