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Xinhua Interview: What to Expect from Trump’s First Visit to China

Xinhuanet had an exclusive interview with Diao Daming, an associate professor at the School of International Relations at Renmin University of China, discussing the important aspects of U.S. President Donald Trump’s visit to China from China’s perspective.

Diao Daming believes that the significance of this visit lies mainly in building a new type of international relationship and a common community of human destinies. The foundation of this new type of international relationship will be the building of a new type of Sino-U.S. Relationship.

Regarding the factors to which China should pay attention on this visit, Diao discussed the following:

The first important factor is whether this visit can form a consensus position for Sino-U.S. relations in the new era.

“As China moves to the center stage of the world and takes an active position in shaping the relations between China and the United States, it is noteworthy whether the Trump administration has a positive and clear expression toward the issues that concern China, such as the AIIB and the One Belt and Road initiative. We should pay attention to whether the United States responds to our above concerns.”

In addition, this visit will be the third official meeting between Xi and Trump. As Trump’s first visit to China this year, another factor to consider is whether or not there are special arrangements and special forms to enhance the mutual trust between the leaders of the two countries and between the two countries.

Source: Xinhua, November 7, 2017