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“610 Office” Eliminated During Xi’s Central Governing Body Restructuring

According to an article that Singtao and Epoch Times published, on March 21, Xi’s new administration, in a release about consolidating government agencies, made a list of restructuring announcements on the existing central administration offices. One noticeable change was that three government agencies, including the Central Public Security Comprehensive Management Commission, the Central Stability Maintenance Office, and the “610 Office” (established for the purpose of coordinating and implementing the persecution of Falun Gong) would be merged under the political and legislative affairs committee. The Singtao article stated that these three agencies have massive organizational structures which often have powers that overlap with each other. It also said that the announcement meant that the “610 office” is officially “dead.” The Epoch Times article commented that the announcement officially ended the infamous “610 office” which Jiang Zemin established on June 10, 1999, for the purpose of persecuting Falun Gong adherents. The “610 office” was reported to have had the authority to mobilize the nations resources to carry out the persecution. It has tens and thousands of agencies throughout China. In addition to the above consolidation announcement, the Singtao article also reported that three other central administration agencies have expanded roles. The Publicity Department will manage the press, publication, film, and television industry; the United Front Work Department will take over the State Council Overseas Office, the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, and the State Administration for Religious Affairs; and the Ministry of Organization will take over the National Civil Service Bureau and the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform.

1. Singtao, March 23, 2018

2. Epoch Times, March 23, 2018