BBC Chinese recently reported that the Chinese government officially protested the fact that British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg met with Hong Kong’s former Chief Secretary Anson Chan and Hong Kong Democratic Party founder Martin Lee. Ms. Chan and Mr. Lee both testified before the British Parliament when it held a hearing on the upcoming Hong Kong democratic election arrangements. The two expressed their deep concerns about the lack of responsible moves on the part of both of the two signatory states of the "Joint Declaration,” on which the current Hong Kong political system was founded. The Chinese government called for an immediate suspension of all British “interference” in Chinese domestic matters. Nick Clegg, in his announcement, maintained that the people of Hong Kong deserve the right to make a real choice in a democratic election. Over half a million Hong Kong residents took to the streets on July 1 to demonstrate their unity in their quest for the freedom to cast meaningful votes.
Source: BBC Chinese, July 16, 2014