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Jon Huntsman Met with Five Chinese Human Rights Activists

U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman met with five Chinese human rights lawyers and activists on December 9, 2009, according to the Voice of America. The two-hour meeting took place in the U.S. Embassy. with Jiang Tianyong, Li Fangping, Zhang Kai, Dai Jinbo, and Wang Guangze present at the meeting.

These advocates implied that this meeting was not just a formality. Ambassador Huntsman listened carefully to their portrayal of religion and human rights issues in China. He said that such meetings are not a single occurrence and that he would discuss with the Chinese government religious freedom issues and lawful rights for family churches.

Jiang Tianyong suggested that the meeting with Ambassador Huntsman would have a deep and significant impact on China.

President Obama also wanted to meet with China’s rights activists during his visit to China in November, but other issues took priority.

Source: VOA, December 13, 2009