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RFA: Xinhua Published Three Editorial Articles Attacking Tsai Ing-wen

Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported that, starting March 18, in an unusual move, Xinhua published three editorial articles three days in a row attacking Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan’s President. Some Taiwanese scholars even wondered what it meant. If China cannot accept Tsai Ing-wen, does it suggest that China wants to deal with other candidates who favor more Taiwan Independence instead?

According to RFA, all three Xinhua articles targeted Tsai’s recent counter-measure proposal against Xi Jinping’s “One Country, Two Systems” policy for Taiwan. In one article it attacked Tsai’s interpretation that the “One Country, Two Systems” policy would destroy Taiwan. It also said that Tsai’s proposal that the “Republic of China Taiwan” is an unidentified new term has exposed her intention to keep the two countries separated as they are. Another article accused Tsai Ing-wen of having colluded with “foreign forces.” It claimed that Tsai’s government took the initiative to act as an anti-China pawn for external forces. It elevated the level of US-Taiwan exchanges, strengthened military cooperation with the U.S., offered to conduct “security dialogues” with Japan, and vigorously established a tightened military atmosphere in the Taiwan Strait during an interview with foreign media. In the third article, it stated that after the defeat in the recent election in Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen made a desperate attempt to protect her personal power even it meant that it would disrupt the peace in the Taiwan Strait.

According to a commentator in the RFA article, these editorials were published just days before Tsai Ing-wen’s scheduled visit to three countries in the pacific islands from March 21 to 28. Meanwhile whether Tsai will make a stop in the U.S. has become a key focus. In addition, the U.S. Taiwan Association and the Taiwanese Foreign Ministry have jointly launched the “Indo-Political Democratic Governance Consultation.” This has gained considerable attention from the mainland because it could enable the U.S. to interfere with internal Taiwan affairs.

Source: Radio Free Asia, March 20, 2019