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Global Times: Chinese Delegation Assesses Su-35 Fighter Jet

On June 6, Global Times reported that a Chinese delegation recently visited Moscow for a discussion with Russian arms export officials on negotiating the purchase of the latest Su-35 (Russian: Су-35, NATO: Flanker-E) fighter jet. The Russians agreed to present a demonstration to the Chinese delegation on June 5. The primary mission of the visit was to determine and assess the technical capabilities of the new multifunctional fighter jet. Business discussions were also planned. The two sides refused to reveal the number of jets included in the deal, but one Russian official hinted that it would be a “very sizable” number. Rumors are that the deal included at least 24 fighter jets. Russian government officials also confirmed that this will be a supply contract, not a manufacturing license. According to Russian media reports, the Chinese delegation gave high praise to the new jet model. “The political decision has already been made.” The deal is at the stage of negotiating payment schedules.
Source: Global Times, June 6, 2013