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China News: Chinese Population Exceeded 1.4 Billion

China News recently reported that, according to the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics newly released data, Mainland China’s total population exceeded 1.4 billion in 2019. This is 4.67 million more than in 2018. It is noticeable that the 2019 newborn population was 580,000 less than in 2018 and the 2018 newborn population was 2 million less than in 2017. Also noticeable was that the urban population increased by 17.06 million in 2019. At the same time, the rural population decreased by 12.39 million. This brings China’s urban population to 60.6 percent of the total population. The statistics also showed that China’s male to female ratio is now 104.45 to 100, which represents a five-year-in-a-row decline in the male population, making the population more and more balanced. However, China still has 30.49 million more males than females. Analysts expressed the belief that the increased population expanded the domestic market, which brings the hope of more opportunities for sustained economic growth. The increased urbanization rate is also a positive for further growth.

Source: China News, January 17, 2020