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RFA: Muslims in Xinjiang Are Forced to Drink Alcohol

The Islam doctrine prohibits Muslims from smoking and drinking. However, as part of their efforts to get them to leave the Islam religion, some local governments in the Yili region of Xinjiang have tried to make the Muslims smoke and drink.

The communist authorities target people who do not drink and beat them or arrest them. However, when they see a Muslim drink, they also provide encouragement. Because of the government’s position of supporting drinking, the police will let those who drive under the influence of alcohol go without any punishment.

“In their eyes, whoever drinks is a good person.” Serkjan, the founder of a human rights organization in Kazakhstan said, “People who do not drink or smoke are those who have religious beliefs and must be arrested. The police do not dare to arrest those who are drunk, even if they are creating trouble.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, January 17, 2020