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Public Opinion: Mourning for Dr. Li Wenliang

The night of February 6, 2020, saw the death of Dr. Li Wenliang, the Wuhan physician who alerted others about novel coronavirus a month ago and then contracted the virus himself when he was working on the front line treating patients. His death triggered a public mourning and questioning of the communist regime’s policy of obscurantism.

Within Hours of Dr. Li’s death, the head of the Shanghai branch of People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the CCP central committee, wrote a poem that was widely circulated over Chinese social media. His poem read as follows: “We are angered by how your warning was treated as rumor, and how your death was not rumor [the state-run media denied Li Wenliang’s death for a few hours to buy time to squash the popular outcry] … Now, because of not believing your ‘whistle-blowing,’ the whole country has stopped functioning, and your heart has stopped beating. How many more severe prices do we have to pay to let your voice be heard across the oriental world?”

A comment stated, “Xi Jinping and other officials who hid the information about the epidemic should be tried.”

Another comment said, “It is a tragedy that a country only allows one voice. That will lead to disaster as well.”

Related posting on Chinascope:

Excerpt in Chinese:

worley 发表评论于 2020-02-06 08:54:26


据树没皮怎办发表评论,一个国家只允许一种声音,是一种悲哀。还会导致灾难。很普通的公民行使宪法上保护的言论自由权利,很普通的专业人士微信上的一个善意提醒,就可能被一个派出所以“妨碍社会秩序”“造谣”“寻衅滋事” 而压制并追究刑事责任。 “神圣”的具有“最高法律效力”的宪法,到了派出所那里,成了废纸。

akiller 发表评论转发人民日报上海分社弘冰社长的泪文:


Source: Radio France International, February 6, 2020中国/20200206-武汉肺炎-李文亮之死引发民意恸哭-人民日报人悼文悲指我们伤恸于你的死亡竟不是谣言-0