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Economy: Nearly 8,000 Performances Cancelled in China, Causing 1 Billion Yuan Loss

Beijing News reported that, amidst the coronavirus outbreak in China, the China Performance Industry Association published a report on March 2. The report, titled, “The ‘Pause Key’ Continued and Nearly 8,000 Performances Were Cancelled in March,” stated that, based on statistics in over twenty provinces in China, nearly 8,000 performances in March were cancelled or postponed. The direct box office loss amounted to over 1 billion yuan (US $140 million).

Excerpt in Chinese:

3月2日晚,中国演出行业协会发布的一篇名为《“暂停键”持续 3月份近8000场演出取消》文章中指出,综合各大票务平台反馈信息,据不完全统计,3月份,全国20余省市,近8000场次演出(包含剧场和大型演出)被取消或延期。市场“暂停键”下,3月份直接票房损失超过10亿元。

Source: Beijing News, March 3