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The Pandemic Exposed the U.S. Broadband Issues

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that around one-third of the U.S. farmers don’t have broadband Internet at home. The stay-home requirements now in place for most of the Americans exposed the difficulties on internet performance issues for a large number of people. According FCC 2019 data, the United States still has around 21 million people who have no broadband connections. Some experts expressed the belief that the actual number may even be double that figure. Before the pandemic, a lot of people lacking broadband could work around the problem by visiting a friend’s home, local libraries, or fast food restaurants. Now having to stay home without broadband is causing kids to miss online teaching, patients are losing touch with their doctors, and business owners are having trouble connecting with customers. It appears the broadband problem in the U.S. is now becoming a life or death choice. An immediate and fundamental challenge right now is that no one truly knows who doesn’t have broadband.

Source: Sina, April 13, 2020