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The Next U.S. War Target

Xinhua recently republished an article by PLA Life Magazine, authored by popular military commentator, Zhang Zhaozhong, on who will be the next U.S. war target. The article started with the story that the CIA helped Saddam Hussein obtain the ruling power and pushed the war against Iran. Then, after a failed war against Iran, the U.S. tacitly agreed to Saddam’s plan to invade Kuwait as a trap. The Bushes attacked Iraq to sustain control of the region by having a pro-US government. The war in Afghanistan afterwards was to completely remove Russia’s influence and to “put a knife in China’s back.”

The author considers Obama’s peaceful look to be a “political smoke bomb.” The article looked back into U.S. history and concluded that there was no US president that never had a war. Therefore Obama will not be an exception. Zhang predicts the U.S. will not let Iran be the strongest military power in the Middle East.

Source: Xinhua, April 6, 2010