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Official Media Denies the Existence of a Special Food Supply Center for the Central Government

The China News Agency posted a news article on its website claiming that the existence of a “Special Food Supply Center for the Central Government” is a rumor. The claim is based on an interview with a leader from the Senior Official’s Recreation Center affiliated with the State Council. The name the leader is not given. The leader says that there is no “Special Food Supply Center for the Central Government of the State Council.” The statement is in response to an article circulating on the Internet–“Speech of Director Zhu Yonglan at the Awarding Ceremony of Special Food Products for Central Government.” The leader quoted in the article also claimed that there is no such person as “Zhu Yonglan.” Internet users had posted pictures of the award ceremony and Zhu Yonglan speaking at the ceremony on the Internet (

Source: China News, September 25, 2009