The Belgium Senate passed Resolution 7-162 on June 12, 2020. The resolution condemns the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s state-sanctioned organ harvesting from living prisoners of conscience, especially Falun Gong practitioners and Uighurs. Ten Senators sponsored the resolution. They introduced it on May 12; the Senate discussed it on June 8 and passed it on June 12. Several Senators spoke on behalf of their respective political parties and condemned the CCP’s live organ harvesting.
Senator Fatima Ahallouch said that in 2006, the Belgian Transplantation Association (BTS) noticed that China’s Transplant Assistance Center website became active on the Internet with the purpose of promoting rapid organ availability in China. The China Tribunal pointed out that the extremely short waiting times for transplantation in Chinese hospitals suggested that the CCP obtained organs illegally. Formerly imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners and Uighurs have testified that they were repeatedly forced to undergo medical examinations while in prison.
Source: Falun Gong’s Minghui.Org, July 3, 2020