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Global People: Guns Will Never Control the Party

The News Network of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) republished an article from Global People, “The Inside Story of Mao Zedong’s Reassignment of the Eight Military Region Commanders: Guns Will Never Control the Party.” The article writer declared unequivocally that the CCP must hold absolute power over China’s military. Alas, in real life, sometimes everything is more complicated and not just black and white. Mao once said, “Our principle is that the Party Controls the Gun, but the Gun Controls the Party. Nevertheless, (if you) have the gun, you can establish a party." This is telling that Mao was paying special attention to the military and eventually decided to reassign the eight Commanders of the Military Regions to prevent them from becoming the oppressors of their regions.          

                                                                                                                                          Source: News Network of the Communist Party of China, August 11, 2009