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NHK Chinese: Japan-US Jointly Developed ICBM Interceptor Had a Successful Test

NHK Chinese Edition recently reported that the U.S. Department of Defense announced the successful initial test of a new ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) interceptor. The interception test was the first real-world use of the newly developed SM-3 Block IIA interceptor missile. On November 16, the interceptor correctly blocked an ICBM near Hawaii. The target ICBM for the test was launched in the Marshall Islands over 4,000 kilometers away. The United States Navy identified the target with high-performance radar and launched the interceptor from a warship equipped with the Aegis Combat System. Before this, the same model interceptor was only attempted on MRBMs (Medium-Range Ballistic Missiles). This was the first experiment on an ICBM. Currently North Korea has gained significant improvements with their ICBM technology. The United States has been very much concerned. This new success demonstrated that the U.S. has also significantly improved its defense capability. Japan is also planning to deploy the SM-3 Block IIA interceptor on its Aegis ships to improve the level of its defense.

Source: NHK Chinese, November 18, 2020