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People’s Daily: China must not apply a “separation of powers”

On May 10, 2010, Xinhua reprinted an article from People’s Daily written by two Tsinghua University scholars emphasizing that China must not utilize a “separation of powers.”

According to the article, the CPC Central Committee Propaganda Department Theory Bureau has published the book “Six Whys – the Answers to Several Important Questions.” The book stresses that China cannot implement a “separation of powers.” The book tells the Chinese people that the “separations of powers” has only been put into operation in very few countries in the Western world.

The article says that the CPC Central Committee Propaganda Department Theory Bureau’s explanation is very important in clarifying and even correcting people’s ambiguous or wrong ideas about the “separation of powers.”  It concludes that China is a socialist country and must always uphold the Party’s leadership.

Source: People’s Daily, May 10, 2010