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LTN: China Announced the Suspension of Issuing Ordinary Passports

Major Taiwanese news network Liberty Times Network (LTN) recently reported that China is restricting the border entry and exit of Chinese nationals in the name of controlling the spread of COVID-19. The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council of China held a press conference. Liu Haitao, Director of Border Inspection and Management of the Chinese National Immigration Administration, announced that, to be strict in preventing the importation of the epidemic, China will tightly restrict the flow of people across borders for non-emergency and non-essential purposes. Travel documents, such as ordinary passports, will not be issued until further notice. Liu blamed these restrictions on a “very obvious” epidemic rebound overseas. Liu also announced detailed policies governing the human flow at international airports, sea ports and land entry points. Land entries still allow cargo transportation. Chinese passports include Diplomatic Passports, Service Passports, Ordinary Passports and SAR (Special Administrative Regions) Passports.

Source: LTN, August 4, 2021