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Qiushi: China Must Keep a Low Profile and Bide Its Time

Qiushi published an article stating that, in spite of its economic growth, China must still keep a low profile. “It is a question that the next several generations will face and ponder as to what kind of country today’s China, as a world-class country, should develop into, and in what way China should influence the world. From an analysis of the rise and fall of major powers from an economic development perspective, one may identify some enlightening norms. China does not have the requisite conditions to become a super power in the next 50 years and should not seek to become one. Particularly, it should not engage in direct confrontation with the United States; we need to keep a low profile and bide our time. In the complicated international environment and the gaming of major powers, it is both an urgent need and a long term task to overcome difficulties and seek room for development. [We] must not be penny wise and pound foolish and lose the opportunity to truly ‘rise.’”

Source: Qiushi, October 9, 2012