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Apple Daily: Wen Jiabao May Publicize His Family’s Assets

On October 28, 2012, China Gate reprinted an article from Apple Daily (the original article is only available to Apply Daily subscribers) titled “It is Said that Wen Jiabao Will Publicize His Family’s Property and Assets.” Recently, a New York Times article alleged that Wen’s relatives had illegally accumulated a fortune amounting to US$2.7 billion. Two lawyers responded on behalf of Wen’s family members and denied the allegations.

If Wen does make information about his family members’ property and assets available to the public, he will be the first CCP national level leader, since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, to dare to let the public know about his family’s assets. Such an action may cause a chain of reaction among the CCP leadership community. It is not known at this time whether Wen will receive his colleague’s consent to move forward.

Source: Apple Daily, October 28, 2012