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People’s Daily Urges Law Enforcement against Well-Known Bloggers

On September 3, 2013, People’s Daily published an article titled, "The “Big V” Label Is Not a Shield to Cover Illegal Activity.” According to the article, the “Big Vs,” no matter how many charitable projects they have completed or how many fans they have, do not have the privilege of avoiding legal punishment for their wrong doings. The article called on the “Big Vs” to hold to the legal bottom line and promote “positive energy” to "move the progress of society forward."

[Editor’s note: A “Big V” means a well-known blogger who has more than 500,000 followers. The “V” at the end of a blogger’s name signifies that his profile has been “verified” as genuine and his post therefore commands more trust.]

Source: People’s Daily, September 3, 2013