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Chinese Scholar: China’s Academia Is Full of Fake and Low Quality Publications

Recently, a report by Li Bozhong (李伯重), published on China’s Tribune of Social Science in 2005, was spread on the Internet. Li discussed his view that despite the fact that Chinese scholars have been publishing many academic papers, most are fake or of low quality.

Li is a famous Chinese economist, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and also a professor at Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

In Li’s view, Chinese researchers have ignored both theoretical and foundational research in the academic fields and have focused only on the practical areas of the hot applications of technologies. This is due to the Chinese people’s focus on immediate short-term gain. Hot applications can result in fame and bring money in quickly while the basic research may not yield any fruit for years or decades. As a result, some foreign scholars have said that, except for the papers published by a few trusted serious Chinese scholars, they would not read any papers written by other Chinese authors.

Source: Sina, November 5, 2021