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People’s Daily: Over 60,000 Party Organizations at the Grass Roots Level Completely Restructured

According to a People’s Daily report, by the end of April, 57,688 or 9.6 percent of village level Chinese Communist Party organizations and 5,222 or 5.6 percent of community level CCP organizations in urban areas were identified as weak and loosely managed. As of May 31, most of the above lowest level CCP branches had gone through a restructuring process.

The report indicated that 5,679 out of the 7,195 rural villages and 321 out of 556 urban communities where the Party secretary or the local CCP official’s office was vacant had these positions filled with candidates who were defined as having "a strong Party spirit, being capable, and having a strong sense of reform and service." So far, 521,000 Party secretaries in villages and communities nationwide have gone through training sessions.

Another effort was an increase in funding for Party operations. For example, in inner Mongolia, each community has been allocated 100,000 yuan (US$16,000). Hubei Province has a plan to invest 300 million yuan (US$48 million) to build 442 new community Party service centers and expand 556 existing Party service centers. Hunan Province allocated 68 million yuan (US$10.88 million) out of the province’s budget as a bonus for the village level organizations.

Source: People’s Daily, May 31, 2014