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Internet Posting Calls for A4 Revolution Protest in Chengdu During the FISU World University Games

Chinese people had an “A4 Revolution” (holding a blank sheet of A4-size paper) to protest the communist regime’s inhumane lockdown for COVID control last year, which led to the authorities quickly ending the country’s zero-COVID policy.

Now, people are calling for another A4 Revolution protest in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, when it hosts the Summer FISU World University Games from July 28 to August 8. On July 11, Anna Wang, founder of Shining Light Media, LLC, headquartered in Washington, DC, retweeted a message to call people to protest Xi Jinping’s dictatorship in Chengdu on July 28.

The post listed five points of caution for the safety of all protesters:

  1. Do not disclose any personal information when reposting or communicating on Telegram Messenger, Twitter, etc.
  2. Do not contact anyone whom you met online to jointly participate in the protest. Even if you discuss a joint action online, do not share the exact time and location since the other person might be undercover police.
  3. Before participating in a flash-mob protest, delete sensitive contents from your computer and mobile phone to prevent police searches from gathering information.
  4. Bring a lot of white paper instead of only one piece. If asked about it by the police, just make up a reason. You can also give distribute the white paper to other people to use.
  5. Do not take pictures on the protest site, unless you only take pictures and do not participate in protest. Separating picture taking and protest participation is to prevent the police tracking.

The posting also emphasized that “there is no organizer for this event, it’s a completely atomized protest.” It also said that the event will take place online and offline at the same time.

The post has been widely circulated on GitHub and other social platforms.

Source: Epoch Times, July 12, 2023