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Xi Jinping: Six Points on “Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization”

On the eve of China’s National Day, Xi Jinping published an article outlining six directives for promoting “Chinese-style modernization”:

  • First: top-level design and self-reliance are preconditions for China’s being able to open up to the outside world. Xi said that promoting Chinese-style modernization requires comprehensive planning and systematic implementation. It involves both top-level design to meet development goals and bold exploration.
  • Second: adhere to strategies long-term rather than changing course arbitrarily.
  • Third: defend previous accomplishments while innovating to uphold Chinese characteristics and principles.
  • Fourth: balance efficiency and fairness, creating higher efficiency than capitalism while safeguarding social justice.
  • Fifth: achieve a dynamic balance between vigor and order, stimulating creativity while preventing undesirable values.
  • Sixth: prioritize self-reliance and strengthen national scientific capabilities, looking to [the country’s] strategic needs as the guide for original research and winning key technology battles.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), September 30, 2023