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2023 World Association for Performing Arts Convenes in Beijing

A report in China’s state newspaper People’s Daily stated that the 2023 World Association for Performing Arts (WAPA) and the Beijing Forum for Symphonic Music launched in Beijing on November 13. Over 300 representatives from 187 international art institutions in 30 countries gathered to “discuss new developments and challenges facing symphonic activities worldwide.”

According to People’s Daily, WAPA is an international, professional, non-profit organization voluntarily formed by theaters, cultural groups, art schools, and other performing arts institutions. It is headquartered in Beijing with its secretariat at the National Center for the Performing Arts (NCPA). WAPA aims to “build an open exchange platform to promote outstanding performing arts, strengthen technology integration, and encourage civilizational exchange and common prosperity.”

NCPA President Wang Ning, also the Chair of WAPA, said that the NCPA has long promoted cultural integration and Sino-foreign communication, and that the NCPA will continue working with global institutions to support WAPA in organizing activities and weaving “a spiritual bond of beauty and commonality in the global performing arts.”

Cormac Sims, Administrative Director of the British Royal Opera House, applauded WAPA’s initiative as “an important link between countries.” He looks forward to “making more progress together.”

WAPA regularly organizes forums on performing arts and symphonic music. The 2023 Beijing Forum for Symphonic Music has the theme “Seeking New Horizons, Sharing and Coexistence.” Discussions will focus on music education and audience expansion, contemporary symphonic music visions, and co-creation platforms. Artists and industry leaders will address symphonic music developments and promote global exchange and mutual understanding.

Source: People’s Daily, November 14, 2023