Reuters Chinese (Shanghai Branch) recently published an article summarizing the important agreements the Chinese government has concluded with other countries in recent years. Chile: RMB 22 billion (US$3.5 billion) in a currency exchange agreement; Peru: 5,300 kilometers in a railway project and various other cooperation projects in energy, mining, infrastructure building, quarantine, medicine and space industries; Columbia: multiple agreements on infrastructure building, the steel industry and the Buenaventura Port Economic Development Zone; Brazil: a Chinese order for 22 airplanes, a US$10 billion loan to Petro Brazil, and an ocean shipment agreement on iron ore; India: US$22 billion in cooperation agreements in energy, trade, and financial industries as well as building industrial parks; Belarus: a five-year potash supply agreement, RMB 7 billion (US$1.1billion) in currency exchange, and US$7 billion in loans; Russia: 32 cooperation projects worth US$25 billion (mainly in railway, energy and information security), plus a number of bank credits as well as loans.
Source: Reuter Chinese, May 27, 2015