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Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong Tried to Set up Road Blocks to Xi Jinping’s Anti-Corruption Campaign

On July 4, 2015, China Gate, a Chinese website headquartered in the U.S., republished an article from Cheng Ming Monthly magazine in Hong Kong (original article is not available online) on the internal fight between factions within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The article stated that former CCP top leader Jiang Zemin and his right-hand Zeng Qinghong have become the next biggest targets of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign, following the downfall of Zhou Yongkang, which broke the unspoken rule that there would be "no legal punishment of any Politburo Standing Committee member."

In order to save himself from being investigated, Zeng Qinghong tried to set up other CCP senior leaders as anti-corruption targets. This included the families of Li Peng and Chen Yun, both of whom were powerful political figures in the past. Zeng hoped that these families would be too big for Xi Jinping to take on and this would stop Xi’s anti-corruption campaign.

However, Zeng’s strategy didn’t work. Chen Yun’s family used to be close to Jiang Zemin, but this time, the family chose to side with Xi Jinping. Chen Yun’s son Chen Yuan supported Xi’s corruption investigation against two Vice Chairmen of the National People’s Congress. Chen Yun’s daughter Chen Weili made a high-profile statement, "We all support Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign."

Source: China Gate, July 4, 2015