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China Held a Propaganda Campaign over International Media Reporters on Xinjiang

To shape the views of some international media reporters, Beijing organized a themed interview group, “Exploring the Core Area of the Silk Road Economic Belt,” to visit Xinjiang for interviews and filming. Nearly 20 media professionals from different countries participated, most of them visiting Xinjiang for the first time. During the nine-day trip, the group will visit cities such as Yining, Urumqi, and Kuqa to gain an in-depth understanding of Xinjiang’s “real situation in terms of high-quality development, ecological protection, cultural heritage, and opening up to the outside world.” Canadian journalist Aiden Jonah said, “My initial impression of Xinjiang came from negative reports in Western media. But as I gradually learned more, many of the accusations and lies in those reports fell apart. I always keep an open mind about Xinjiang and believe in seeing things with my own eyes.”

Source: China News Agency, June 20, 2024