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Two Incidents of Foreigners Being Stabbed in China Occurred in June

In June, two incidents of foreigners being stabbed in mainland China occurred. Chinese authorities claimed both were “isolated incidents,” but some analysts believe this is due to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) fostering and encouraging anti-foreign sentiment among the public.

On June 10, four teachers from Cornell College in Iowa, USA, were stabbed by a 55-year-old local man named Cui while at Beishan Park in Jilin City, Jilin Province. The attacker has been arrested, and the four teachers have returned to the United States. On June 24, at a school bus station in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, a Japanese woman in her thirties and her son were stabbed by a 52-year-old unemployed man named Zhou while waiting for another child to return home from school. A Chinese woman, Hu Youping, who tried to stop the attack, was stabbed multiple times by the assailant and unfortunately died later.

At the time of the Suzhou incident, numerous anti-Japanese comments appeared online, with some even praising the assailant’s actions as patriotic. To preserve its international image, the CCP removed the anti-Japanese comments and shifted the media narrative from “Chinese person stabs Japanese mother and child” to “Chinese person bravely saves Japanese mother and child.”

1. Epoch Times, June 26, 2024
2. Radio Free Asia, June 28, 2024