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China Develops Solar-Powered Micro-Drone

Solar power is a key technology for continuous drone flight. The technology to power large drones exists, but powering micro-drones via solar panels has been a challenge. Xinhua reported that a research team from Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) has successfully developed a solar-powered micro-drone weighing only 4.21 grams, capable of sustained flight under natural sunlight. The team created a new electrostatic drive scheme and developed a micro electrostatic motor with low rotational speed, low heat generation, and high efficiency. They also built an ultra-lightweight high-voltage power converter weighing only 1.13 grams, which boosts the voltage generated by solar cells from around 4.5 volts to 9000 volts, creating an electrostatic system.

Source: Xinhua, July 18, 2024