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Vietnam Proposes South China Sea Continental Shelf Delimitation to UN

Well-known Chinese news site Sina (NASDAQ: SINA) recently reported that, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam, Vietnam has submitted a proposal to the United Nations Commission regarding delimitation of territory within the South China Sea, proposing use of suboceanic continental shelf limits as the delimitation.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson said in a press conference that “Vietnam submitted the proposal to the UN Commission unilaterally,” and “its relevant claims cover parts of China’s Nansha Islands and infringe on China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. China firmly opposes this move and has lodged stern representations with Vietnam. According to the rules of the UN Commission on Limits of Continental Shelf, if there is a dispute, then no consideration will be given. So the UN Commission will not review or determine the cases filed by Vietnam. Such actions are in fact meaningless and will only intensify conflicts.”

In the meantime, Vietnam also submitted a note of objection to the United Nations in response to the Philippines’ submission on the outer continental shelf delimitation of the South China Sea. China has also opposed the Philippines’ proposal.

Source: Sina, July 18, 2024