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BBC Chinese: World Marxism Conference Held in Beijing

BBC Chinese recently reported that Beijing University hosted the First World Marxism Conference in Beijing. Over 400 people attended the Conference and over 120 of them delivered speeches. The primary theme of the conference was “Marxism and Human Development.” Two out of the eight forums of the Conference were related to China. One of those was “The Chinese Road and Its Marxist Language System.” Another was “Xi Jinping’s Political Thoughts and the Development of Marxism in China.” The Conference lasted two days. Beijing University announced that the Conference will take place every two years. This Conference triggered a wide discussion online among Chinese netizens, most of which were negative. Typical online opinions expressed the thought that Communism can never be realized. Some even questioned why China has been imposing Marxism on the people while exporting Confucius Institutes.
Source: BBC Chinese, October 10, 2015