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Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Lays Down Four “Red Lines” That U.S. Should Not Cross

According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in the U.S., China’s Ambassador to the U.S. Xie Feng delivered a keynote speech at the Vision China event on Sep 12. He stated that China has drawn four “red lines” [that the U.S. should not cross]. These particularly sensitive areas for the CCP are:

  • Taiwan,
  • (China’s record on) democracy and human rights,
  • (China’s institutional) path and system, and
  • (China’s) right (to economic development).

Xie said that, among these, the Taiwan question is the “most paramount in China-US relations and must not be crossed.”

He stated that “the notion of ‘democracy versus authoritarianism’ is a fallacy. China’s political system and development path are non-negotiable, and the legitimate rights of the Chinese people to have a better life must not be deprived.”

Radio France International reported that Xie also remarked that the attempt to completely decouple China and the U.S. is a “fantasy,” and viewing each other as new Cold War rivals is the “greatest strategic misjudgment of the 21st century.” He warned that a conflict between China and the U.S. would be an “unbearable burden for the world.”

He stated that “no conflict, no confrontation” is the bottom line for both sides to uphold.

Source: Radio France Internation, September 13, 2024中国/20240913-中国对美划出四道红线-台湾,人权,制度与发展权