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China Publishing Group’s Development Strategy: Stock Listing and “Going Abroad”

China Publishing Group (CPG) held its annual meeting on January 28 and 29. The Deputy Director of the Press and Publication Administration Sun Shoushan praised CPG’s 2009 achievements. Sun put in print CPG’s future direction: being listed on the stock exchange and realizing assets and sales over 10 billion yuan (US$1.5 billion).

Sun outlined CPG’s development strategies: 1. Uphold the (Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s)) flag and not get diverted achieving the correct public opinion and publishing standards. 2. Strengthen itself financially to achieve the needed stock reform and listings. 3. Actively participate in public cultural service to gain public support; 4. Make great progress in the national effort of “going abroad” to promote Chinese culture and improve China’s cultural “soft power.” 5. Develop talent.

Ed: Founded in 2002, CPG is under the leadership of the CCP’s Propaganda Department and the administration of the Press and Publication Administration.

Source: Xinhua, February 1, 2010