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People’s Daily on Internet Culture

Qiushi Journal, a bi-weekly magazine published by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, recently republished an article from People’s Daily on the phenomenon of Internet culture. According to the author, theoretical studies on this culture are far behind the reality of its rapid development. The article focused on the fastest growing portion of the domestic Internet market – online gaming – saying that the growth of the gaming industry should be limited. The author dismissed the view that Internet culture represents only a “virtual” world. He suggested that the virtual world is obviously interacting with the real world and concluded that, to a certain degree, “managing the virtual society amounts to managing the real one.” The author also expressed the belief that Internet-based enterprises lack deep cultural resources and called for help from the traditional culture industry. The article ended with the observation that the Internet culture is merging into mainstream Chinese culture.

Source: Qiushi Journal, April 5, 2011