China News recently reported that, since January 27, 2013, a Beijing resident by the name of Zou Yi has been taking a photo every day to record the pollution level. Zou has been taking the pictures with the exact same background (the Beijing TV Station Building) at the same time (7:30AM) every day for the entire past year. He posts his pictures on his microblog and has attracted a large number of followers. Some people from other cities have started to do the same thing. Zou said he wanted to use this new approach as a wake-up call for environmental protection. According to Zou’s pictures, during around half of the days last year, the capital city suffered from poor air quality and visibility. This result is in line with the city’s official data published by the Beijing Bureau of Environmental Protection: there were 176 days in the past year that were considered good, which represent 48.2 percent of the days.
Source: China News, January 27, 2014