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30 Billion Tons of Polluted Water Discharged into Yangtze River

Wuhan Evening News recently reported that over 30 billion tons of polluted water has flown through the Yangtze River since 2006. Zang Xiaoping, the Deputy Chief of the Yangtze River Water Resources Protection Bureau, commented in an interview that – although pollution indeed is intensifying – the rate of increase in water pollution is slowing down. Zang said the Yangtze River discharges a total of 1 trillion tons of water into the sea annually and 30 billion tons of polluted water is only a small percentage. He said that the pollution level will not result in “fundamental” health threats. Large cities along the river are enhancing their pollution control, but Zang is “worried” about the pollution caused by the development pace of small cities, which are, currently, the primary contributors to water pollution.

Source: Wuhan Evening News, November 13, 2011