Xinhua recently reported on the results of a housing market survey that the Chinese central bank conducted during the third quarter of 2013. 67.6 percent of the people surveyed suggested that the current housing prices are “too high” and are “unacceptable.” Only 2.1 percent of the sample population found them to be “satisfactory.” Around 77 percent of the residents of the “top tier cities” (such as Beijing and Shanghai) expressed the belief that prices were “too high.” Regarding the future, 35.8 percent of those who responded expected a trend toward increased growth and 45.2 percent expected the level of prices to remain steady. Only 6.5 percent of the sample expected a drop in prices. The survey also covered spending plans. 45.2 percent of the people surveyed plan to “increase their savings,” and 17.5 percent expect to spend more. 36.3 percent of those surveyed plan to do more “investing.” The top three investment channels are: investment funds, real estate, and bonds.
Source: Xinhua, September 21, 2013