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It Will Take Five Years to Deplete China’s Housing Inventory

On June 13, 2014, China Business News (also called First Financial Daily or Yicai) reported that, as of the end of 2013, 4.863 billion square meters of residential housing were under construction. Based on the annual average sales between 2009 and 2012, it will take five years to deplete the 4.863 billion square meters, assuming there are no other new developments after 2014. Thirty five major cities have hit a record high in their housing inventories. Twenty nine of them have shown an increase over last month. Three of those hit the hardest are Nanchang with an increase of 77.4 percent; Ningbo with 60.9 percent, and Jiujiang with 56.9 percent. According to analysts, using five to ten months as the normal time to deplete the inventory, starting from March 2014 it will take 100 months in Tangshan, 57 in Wuxi, 39 in Tianjin, 36 in Ningbo, 33 in Shanghai, 33 in Hangzhou and 30 in Xian. 

Source: China Business News, June 13, 2014