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Global Times: Products Sold Online Suffered Low Genuine Rate

Global Times recently reported that the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) released its official report on online commerce monitoring and inspections, especially for the rate of genuine products, as made by the original vendor, offered online. According to the report, the industrial category with the lowest rate for being genuine was agricultural supplies such as fertilizers. which had the rate of 20 percent for being the genune product. The cellphone industry was the second lowest, at 28.57 percent – examples are Xiaomi and Samsung related cellphones. In terms of the online commerce platforms, the Taobao network had the lowest genuine product rate, which was 37.25 percent. Taobao is the flagship platform of the Alibaba Group which recently had the largest U.S. stock IPO (Initial Public Offering) in the history of the States. According to SAIC, online shopping service providers typically have four problems: loose seller background checks, a lack of regular legal compliance checks on products that sellers offer, chaotic sales management, and flawed credit checking systems. 
Source: Global Times, January 24, 2015