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Xinhua: China Introduces Market Access Negative List System

Xinhua recently reported that the Chinese central government will introduce a negative list based market access management system. The negative list will be approved by the State Council and will clearly state prohibited or restricted industries, business fields, and markets for investments in China. All markets outside the negative list will have equal permission of entry for all parties. The design of the negative list considers basic principles such as the rule of law, national security, the progressive approach, the doctrine of necessity and the doctrine of publicity. The list is fully controlled at the central government level. Provincial governments may request adjustments but cannot maintain any such list of their own. Lower level governments are not allowed to manipulate the list. The new market access system will be piloted in some regions from 2015 to 2017. National implementation of the system is planned to start in 2018.
Source: Xinhua, September 21, 2015