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Live photos from Chendu: City Officials Trapped by Angry Crowd

A group of photos show a standoff at the front entrance of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music. A fight broke out between officers from Chendu City Management Administration office and students and faculty from Sichuan Conservatory of Music at 6pm on September 18.

It started out when a staff member from the school attempted to stop the officers of the city administration from violently exercising their duty in an office supply store next to the school. As more and more students joined the standoff, the city management administration officers had to retreat into their vehicle which was almost turned over by the angry crowed. Students shouted slogans at those officers. Initially there were only four policemen at the scene. An eyewitness said that at one point in time a police officer had to fire a gun shot to take control. Finally, after more police officers arrived, they helped the city administrative officers leave the scene.

Source: Boxun, September 18, 2008