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PEOPLE.COM.CN: Guangdong Province Hired 25,000 Informants to Collect Crisis information

On July 14, 2010, reported that “Guangdong Province’s Crisis Response Regulations” have been implemented since July 1.  Guangdong Province has hired 25,000 grass-roots informants including journalists, to collect information abouot urgent incidents. Once there is a sudden occurrence, lower level officials must report it to the next level government, and city level officials must report it to the provincial government within 2 hours. Sensitive information can be reported to the higher government directly. Those who fail to report an emergent incident will be penalized.

Guangdong Provincial Government, its relevant departments and all municipal governments above the district level have now set up spokesperson systems. “In case of an emergency, the news spokespersons must make an announcement within 4 hours,” said Li Shoujin, Deputy Minister of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department and director of the Provincial News Office.

Source:, July 14, 2010