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BBC Chinese: China Arrested Seven Christians

BBC Chinese recently reported that the Chinese police in Zhejiang Province arrested at least seven Christians who were against the removal of the cross from the top of their local church. Among the seven, two were priests, who were accused on several counts, with charges such as “forming a mob to disturb the public order.” The lawyer of the Christians who were arrested pointed out that the true cause of the arrest was the fact that they resisted the removal of the cross. The church is a government-approved legal church and the entire church building process from acquiring the land to construction went through all of the steps the government required for review and approval. However the Zhejiang Province authorities have now decided to demolish the church without presenting any legal documents. Amnesty International said they are carefully monitoring this case. Article 36 of the Chinese Constitution clearly states that Chinese citizens have freedom of religion. 
Source: BBC Chinese, August 5, 2015